Not quite 100 days in office, not quite 100 people with disabilities arrested

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Chris Hilderbrant

Today marks 98 days in office for President Barack Obama. Sadly, it also marks the day that nearly 100 activists (91 was the last semi-official account) with ADAPT were arrested at the Whitehouse.

After a meeting this morning with Obama’s Health czarina, Nancy-Ann DeParle, went very badly, ADAPTers took to the Whitehouse fence. Many cuffed or chained themselves to the fence, many sat, many stood, many parked. All chanted. All were angry.

I’ve lost count of how many meetings we’ve had with various staffers and departments within the administration. ADAPT’s message has been very clear, since well before the beginning of the Presidential campaign – pass the Community Choice Act – now!

So, when ADAPTers went into the meeting today with Nancy-Ann DeParle and she didn’t know that ADAPT wanted to discuss CCA, there is cause for concern. When the administration’s staff cited concerns about cost and woodwork effect, ADAPT became more suspicious (we heard all that from thee last president). And when the administration stated that healthcare reform would not be addressing long term care at all, ADAPT was angry.

I’m still amazed at the level of double-think that allows these politicians to believe that they can reform healthcare without doing anything with long term care. And we can stop the titanic from sinking by rearranging the deck chairs.