Ms. ButterScotch with Queens Against Goodwill

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Queen Team

QUEENS AGAINST GOODWILL : Queens fighting for Disability Rights

As some workers were making as little as 22 cents per hour in 2011, Goodwill International CEO Jim Gibbons made $729,000 in salary.

ms_butterscotchMs. ButterScotch is a beautiful queen with a disability from St. Louis, MO. As a Queen with a disability, she agrees that people with disabilities should not be paid sub-minimum wages. She says “Fair wages, not frumpy wardrobes!”

Are you a Queen/King that also thinks people with disabilities should be paid fairly? Send us an email at!

Image description: It is a headshot of Ms. ButterScotch. She has long red hair and is wearing a gold outfit with a see-through (sheer) material on the arms.