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We are excited to talk about Organized Advocacy at our upcoming #CDRchat Twitter session this Thursday October 13th at 2pm EST! Co-hosting this #CDRchat discussion are Olivia Richard, Mac Greenfelder, and Alexander Van Hook. Join us on Thursday for a great discussion on Organized Advocacy!
Olivia Richard
Olivia Richard is an activist with MassADAPT, a grassroots disability rights group chapter of National ADAPT. She has a passion for disability rights, healthcare policy, and transportation access. She looks forward to sharing ADAPT’s organized advocacy experience with us!
Mac Greenfelder
Mac Greenfelder has been actively involved with HEARD organization, intersectional advocacy for the rights of Deaf in prison, and Deaf Plus community of deaf and hard of hearing individuals with additional disabilities. Mac also organizes monthly #deafed twitter chats.
Alexander Van Hook
Alexander Van Hook is a disability rights activist and also a graduate student studying Public Administration at American University in Washington, D.C. He had had internship experiences at the US Congress and National Association of the Deaf and he look forward to share legislative insight with us!
How to participate:
- Follow @CDRNYS, @Riverhawk2006, @macgreenfelder, and @AVHadvocacy on Twitter.
- When the chat begins, search #CDRchat on Twitter for live tweets under the “Live” tab to follow the conversation.
- If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions, check @CDRNYS’s tweets. Each question will tweeted about 3-5 mins apart.
- Use the hashtag #CDRchat when you tweet. If you can’t join at that time, feel free to tweet anytime with the hashtag.
- Check out the article explaining how to participate in a Twitter chat! https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
- If you don’t use Twitter, check out the live stream conversation at http://twubs.com/CDRchat.
Questions to be asked during the chat:
1: Introduce yourself. Tell us who you are and why you’re here for the #CDRchat.
2: How do you create opportunities to network? How do you build coalitions and brings people in?
3: How do you decide your target audience? How do you develop your organized advocacy’s mission & goals?
4: How do you get people involved and stay engaged in your organized #advocacy efforts? How do you motivated them?
5: What are the best resources you use when organizing an advocacy movement? What resources would you recommend others to use?
6: What are some of the best advocacy strategies you use to make your efforts successful
7: What technology or media do you use effectively? (ie: webinars, vlogs, social media, etc)
8: What is your biggest struggle when it comes to #advocacy? How do you overcome it?
9: What examples of organized #advocacy success can you share? What were their approaches?
10: How would you advise people to become empowered to be involved as leaders or advocates & bring awareness to their communities?
11: Any final questions to our co-hosts about Organized Advocacy?
We are looking forward to discussing Organized Advocacy! Join us in the twitter #CDRchat on October 13th at 2pm!