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Kenneth Bremer

From an early age, I have understood what it means to rise above society’s proscribed status for people with disabilities, or in the broader sense, being able to overcome unwanted scrutiny. My name is Kenneth Bremer and I am a visually impaired intern at the Center for Disability Rights. I am at work on my master’s degree in social work at Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York.

The concentration of this degree is in the mental health branch of case work as it has always been my goal to help those who may not be able to stand up for their rights as disabled citizens of the United States. I want to help those persons to better assist themselves and find their place in society.

In my spare time I like to read on a wide range of topics from disability rights studies to history. I also like to write poetry and essays which have been published in five different books put out by Publish America of Baltimore, Maryland.

My Bachelors degree is also in social work from the State University of Pennsylvania at Edinboro. While doing my undergraduate work, I had the opportunity to serve as a missionary in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. During this work experience I discovered what it was like to be an advocate for victims’ rights.

I worked with a diverse body of people who needed everything from finding shelter to a shoulder to cry on. Through my work with the people of New Orleans, I realized that social work was the right field for me.

My internship and work experience is to be completed as an Assistant Service Coordinator and Advocacy Intern. One of my duties as an Advocacy Intern is to write blog entries. I am looking forward to writing on topics of concern to the disability community.