Greetings From A New Intern

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Tim Barbato

My name is Tim Barbato. I am sixteen years old and I am a senior from Holley Junior Senior High School. I am starting an internship at The Center For Disability Rights. I have been a quadriplegic since I was born. I currently live In Holley New York with my wonderful Mom and Dad, Donna and Scott. I also have two sisters, Sandra and Nicole, two nephews, Maximus and Tyler, and a cat, Chloe and a dog, Jazzy.

I was adopted by my parents shortly after birth. They were told about me through a friend who knew they were looking to adopt again; my sisters are also adopted. They met with staff members at Strong Memorial Hospital, who discussed my needs with them. Some tried to discourage them from adopting me. They said I would never be able to sit up or talk, or even breathe without the help of a ventilator. I thank God everyday that they didn’t listen to the doctors and staff who tried to change their minds. I came home to live with my parents and sisters when I was 6 months old.

I was able to read by the time I was three years old. At first my mom home schooled me. I started attending Holley Elementary when I was in fourth grade. The Holley school district has been very helpful to me in obtaining my independence. Some of the activities that I have done in my school have been Spanish Club, the talent show, chorus, and school musicals. Outside of school, I volunteer at my church, attend Youth Adventures, and play Power Wheelchair Soccer.

I became interested in advocating for people with disabilities by educating others about myself and my disability. This started when one of my teachers asked me to speak to and enlighten the younger students about my disability. I also have a friend, Jared Wilson, who has done this with me. Jared is legally blind and has been a very close friend to me since I was three years old. The first thing that I tell anybody about myself is that I am just like anyone else, except I just have to adapt to do the same things that anyone else can do. I also have kept trying to find ways to be independent. Independence has always been very important to me, and I would like to help others feel independent too.

When I graduate from high school I want to go to college to learn how to be a social worker, so that I can help others be able to help themselves. I have recently been checking out colleges that offer the types of courses that I am interested in. I have visited colleges that are accessible and inaccessible to individuals with physical disabilities. In future blogs I will tell you about my experiences, and my findings.

I look forward to working at the Center for Disability Rights as an intern. I know that I will obtain a valuable experience and education here.