CDR joins MOGO Detroit for Two-Day Adaptive BikeShare & Cycling Workshop

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Dara Baldwin

Many are unaware that the multiple bike-share programs across the US are NOT accessible to disabled riders. This is a violation of the ADA Title II. This is NOT equity! This was discussed prior to the development and implementation of these bike-share programs but many of us were ignored. Times are changing because of the great work of thousands of activists – equity is becoming more a part of transportation policy.

As discussed in the trainings, we are excited to see a number of jurisdictions who are interested in creating equity and making bike-share programs accessible to disabled riders. But it will be more of a process than just creating accessible bikes. The infrastructure of “safe cycling” in most cities/jurisdictions are NOT safe to disabled riders. Bike lanes in this country are NOT accessible – they were not created for the large wheel based cycles that disabled riders use. They were not set up for the safety of disabled cyclists. This is a violation of the ADA Title II! This is NOT equity!

MOGO of Detroit and PEAC along with many organizations in the Transportation Equity Caucus is leading this work on creating the change! THANK YOU to all for the work – and we are excited for what is to come!

This was an amazing two-day event and I want to say thank you to both Rory Lincoln and Jacob Graham and all at MOGO Detroit for convening this and leading this work!

Follow them: IG @mogodetroit
Twitter: @MoGoDetroit

I also want to thank the entire team at PEAC – John Waterman, Founder and Executive Director for their work and for joining this training with their imperative information.

Follow them on IG: @everyonecanride

Special thanks to: Marguerite Maddox – a PEAC user, former Paralympian and bad ass Black Disabled Woman

Description of workshop:
MoGo hosted an adaptive bikeshare convening with Dara Baldwin to bring together cities, organizations, partners, advocates, and users from across the county. The workshop focused on learning more about the disabled community and how bikeshare can better serve them, as well as guiding programs that are starting up and sharing best practices of existing programs.

From MOGO:
Adaptive Bike Share & Cycling Workshop 12/14 & 15/2021

An Adaptive Bike Sharing Convening – by Kiran Herbert – January 11, 2022

Here is the link to the YouTube clips. Also, here is an article that the Better Bike Share Partnership did on the event. We’ve received a lot of great feedback both through our survey and folks reaching out, so thank you so much for working with us!