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Governor Cuomo’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, like many of his policies to date, fails to consider the real people who are members of the Disability Community. While the Governor mandates measures to improve the safety for most, he endangers the safety of many because policies do not account for the service and support needs of disabled people. Attendants who provide critical services to disabled people requires various screenings and assessments to be conducted to begin work providing assistance in activities of daily living. We call on the Governor and the State Department of Health to waive these requirements today to respond to the public health crisis.
The spread of coronavirus and the use of precautionary measure means disabled people are at risk of attendants calling in sick or simply not showing up for work. Even when a disabled person can find a family member or friend to fill the requirements of an attendant, they cannot onboard them to work because healthcare providers are unwilling or unable to perform the necessary health assessments. People under- and un-employed at this time, though they may want the opportunity to work are unable to access the jobs because they cannot get a health assessment.
The attendant workforce was in crisis before coronavirus; it is on the verge of coming apart now. Disabled people will die, be forced into congregate settings where the virus can be most dangerous, or go without necessary assistance and be put at risk of illness or injury. The Governor has already waived or relaxed requirements in other areas. Healthcare providers are actively turning people away from services unrelated to coronavirus. Governor Cuomo must waive health assessments in order to ensure there is an adequate workforce to support people in this crisis.