Bee Tish with Queens Against Goodwill

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Queen Team

QUEENS AGAINST GOODWILL : Queens fighting for Disability Rights

DID YOU KNOW: According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Medicaid-financed pre-vocational services to sheltered workshops are, “not an end point, but a time limited (although no specific limit is given) service for the purpose of helping someone obtain competitive employment.”


This is completely legal through section 14 (c ) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Currently, there are approximately 420,000 people with disabilities in the 14 ( c) program.

Bee Tish is a fabulous queen from Syracuse, NY . Companies like Goodwill, who often function as a “sheltered workshop” (definition: a supervised workplace for physically or cognitively disabled adults) believe they are “helping” people with disabilities by giving them something to do.

Thank you TeamLarryEntertainment, for showing support against sub-minimum wages and Bee Tish for being a Queen Against Goodwill!

Are you a Queen/King that also thinks people with disabilities should be paid fairly? Send us an email at!

Image description: In the image is a multi-colored picture showing half of Bee Tish’s face on the right edge of the picture. In the top left corner is the Team Larry Entertainment logo in black and pink font. In the top right corner it reads “Exploitation has NEVER been fashionable!” in black font. In the middle of the image it reads “Queens Against Goodwill” in white font. On the bottom it reads “Miss TeamLarryEntertainment Elite” and “B*Tish” in white font.