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The disability community has long advocated for New York to increase the accessible housing stock across the State by incentivizing the use of “visitability” design standards. This includes basic accessible features, including:
- One no-step entrance
- An accessible path to the door
- Hallways and doorways wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair
- An accessible bathroom on the first floor
The Visitability Tax Credit bill (A.5950/S.2411) was delivered to Governor Cuomo on October 16th for his action. He now has 9 days to sign it into law or veto. This bill would provide homeowners with a tax credit of up to $2,750 to renovate their home to make it more universally visitable, or to go toward the cost of developing a universally visitable home.
Call Governor Cuomo today at # 518-474-8390 and urge him to sign the visitability tax credit bill, A.5950/S.2411, into law and say,
“I am calling to urge Governor Cuomo to sign the Visitability Tax Credit bill (A.5950/S.2411) into law. This tax credit is needed to help people with disabilities and older New Yorkers with the costs of making their homes accessible and allow people to age in place.”
Urge Governor Cuomo to sign the Visitability Tax Credit bill into law! The Visitability Tax Credit bill (A.5950/S.2411) was delivered to Governor Cuomo yesterday for his action. He now has 9 days to sign. Your help in calling Governor Cuomo and spreading the word is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking action to create a universally visitable community!