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Do you want to learn how to get your voice heard and rally with other allies on political topics important to you? Did you heard about the #ADAPTandRESIST spreading nationwide this summer? Want to know how to organize an advocacy group or action in your community? Here is your opportunity to participate in the chat with two experienced advocates! We are excited to talk about the Summer of Organized Advocacy at our upcoming #CDRchat Twitter session!
You are welcome to join in on the twitter chat, so tune in on Friday, July 21st at 1pm EST! We’re hosting an hour long Twitter chat with two co-hosts and advocates: Adam Prizio and Anita Cameron. Join us on Friday for a great discussion on the Summer of Organized Advocacy!
Check out the questions below for you to answer during the Twitter chat on July 21st at 1pm EST! If you can’t make it, feel free to tweet your answers after the chat! There will be a recap of the chat posted here.
How to Participate:
Follow @CDRNYS, @adam_prizio, and @adaptanita on Twitter
When it’s time, search #CDRchat on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the ‘Live’ tab for the full conversation.
If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions, check @CDRNYS’s tweets. Each question will tweeted 4-5 minutes apart.
Check out this explanation of how to participate in a twitter chat by Ruti Regan: https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Check out this captioned #ASL explanation of how to participate in a chat by @behearddc
Please remember to use the #CDRchat hashtag when you tweet.
If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CDRchat”
Twitter Chat Questions:
Q1: Introduce yourself. Tell us who you are and why you’re here for the #CDRchat.
Q2: With the recent news of ADAPT and its efforts sweeping across the country, tell us about ADAPT and their advocacy.
Q3: How do you create opportunities to network? How do you build an alliance in your city and bring people in?
Q4: How do you get people involved and keep them engaged in your organized #advocacy efforts? How do you motivate them?
Q5: What are the best resources you use when organizing an advocacy movement? What resources would you recommend others to use?
Q6: What are some of the advocacy strategies you use to make your efforts successful?
Q7: What is your biggest struggle when it comes to current #advocacy against bills cutting Medicaid? How do you overcome it?
Q8: What examples of organized #advocacy success can you share? What were their approaches?
Q9: How would you advise people to become empowered to be involved as leaders or advocates & bring awareness to their communities?
Q10: Any final questions to Adam and Anita about Summer of Organized Advocacy?
Co-Hosts’ Biographies:
Anita Cameron, Director of Minority Outreach at Not Dead Yet, has been with ADAPT since 1986. Considered a leader, she had met with three sitting U.S. Presidents and two Vice-Presidents, and helped organize a national March. She currently resides in Rochester, NY.
Adam Prizio, Manager of Government Affairs at the Center for Disability Rights, is an active member of ADAPT. In addition to residing in Albany, NY, he is a proud graduate of Notre Dame Law School.