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2015 Election Disability Issues Survey – Molly Clifford
Molly Clifford
For City Council
1. Would you support a city ordinance to develop an affordable and accessible housing trust fund for people with disabilities?
Yes, If the Trust fund were funded by New York State, I would absolutely support a city ordinance to accept the funding for that purpose. I am also willing to look for other funding opportunities to support this effort.
2. Would you be in favor of more City resources being used to keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice in the winter? What would be your plan to ensure accessible sidewalks throughout the winter months?
Yes, I played a major role in Mayor Duffy’s decision to plow sidewalks at two inches of snow, from the previous 3-4. I would favor additional resources and love changing policies and processes to ensure sidewalks, particularly on major arterials, are clear of ice and snow.
3. Do you support a city plan to promote independent living for seniors and people with disabilities and ensure Olmstead compliance within NYS? And if so, what is your plan?
Yes. My understanding is that Olmstead is a federal state decision. I would like to see what other cities have done in terms of Olmstead compliance and would absolutely support efforts to help more people live independently.
4. Would you support a city ordinance requiring Visitability legislation that would require all publicly funded newly constructed single family homes to have at least one no-step entrance, a first floor bathroom, and 36 inch clearance passage for all main floor internal doorways?
No Answer Given
5. As a member of City Council, what will you do to make sure that the City Department of Neighborhood and Business Development ensures building accessibility?
I would ask that the administration include the EE/ADA compliance officer as a part of the site plan review process for all building and construction permits. I would also advocate for NBD staff to be educated on ADA requirements and issues so that they can speak to the issue and the merits of accessibility.