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2015 Election Disability Issues Survey
Vincent R. Felder
For County Legislature
1. Would you initiate development and support passage of a Visitability Ordinance in Monroe County requiring that all publicly funded, newly constructed, single- family homes and townhouses have one no-step entrance, a first floor bathroom and 32-inch clearance in internal doorways?
Yes. Since the County doesn’t actually build housing, I would work with the City of Rochester and the towns and villages to establish uniform guidelines for accessibility of housing, and encourage the use of HUD and NYS Homes and Community Renewal funding to ensure affordability.
2. What will you do to assure that a RTS Access user who is a strong advocate for persons with disabilities is appointed to the RGRTA Board?
I will strongly advocate for a RTS Access user and/or a strong advocate for persons with disabilities is appointed to the RGRTA Board.
3. In Monroe County there are a number of Deaf-Blind residents who require Support Service Providers (SSP) to help them navigate their visual and environmental needs. Deaf-Blind residents are no longer relying on their families for all their needs. Because of the slowing economy and subsequent cutbacks, the programs that support Deaf-Blind residents are woefully underfunded which leaves the growing Deaf-Blind community underserved.
The County budget must be re-prioritized to include the poor and individuals with disabilities. The underfunding of these Support Service Providers must end, and I am committed to making that change happen.