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2015 Election Disability Issues Survey – Polly Mohan
Polly Mohan
For County Legislature
1. Single family homes and townhouses are currently not covered by any accessibility regulation. Many municipalities in the US have adopted Visitability codes or rules as a means of assuring basic access (one no-step entrance, a first floor bathroom, and 32-inch clearance in internal doorways) to all homes funded by public money or developed for speculative buyers. The lack of accessible housing is a critical issue as most new development has been townhouses or single family homes, which are not accessible. A Visitability ordinance would allow people with disabilities to make use of a home, whether they own it or just are just visiting friends or family. Visitability also allows seniors to age in place because there is at least one entrance with NO stairs.
Would you initiate development and support passage of a Visitability Ordinance in Monroe County requiring that all publicly funded, newly constructed, single- family homes and townhouses have one no-step entrance, a first floor bathroom and 32-inch clearance in internal doorways?
What additional measures will you propose in order to address the lack of accessible, affordable housing?
Yes, I would propose establishing low interest construction bonds for those builders willing to build more independent living and apartment complexes that contain facilities accommodating people with people with disabilities.
2. Despite years of advocacy by the disability community for better services and despite rulings by Federal Judge Larimer and the Second Circuit of Appeals, difficulties and complaints regarding Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority’s paratransit and fixed route service for people with disabilities continue. The current make-up of the RGRTA’s board does not include an RTS Access or disabled RTS user Will you:
Work with the disability community to appoint an RTS Access user and a person with disabilities who uses fixed route buses who are strong advocates for persons with disabilities to the RGRTA Board as voting members?
3. In Monroe County there are a number of Deaf-Blind residents who require Support Service Providers (SSP) to help them navigate their visual and environmental needs. Deaf-Blind residents are no longer relying on their families for all their needs. Because of the slowing economy and subsequent cutbacks, the programs that support Deaf-Blind residents are woefully underfunded which leaves the growing Deaf-Blind community underserved.
How will you address this unmet challenge in the coming year and years to come?
I would propose allotted funding for SSP for Deaf-Blind residents
4. Countless businesses in Monroe County do not meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards in terms of accessibility leaving members of the Disability community out in the cold – sometimes literally.
As a County Legislator, what will you do to make sure that the County’s Department of Environmental Services (DES) ensures building accessibility by enforcing the NYS Unified Building Code as well as issuing building permits and certificates of occupancy?
I would propose establishing strict fines to those builders who do not adhere to the NYS Unified Building Code and demand that DES delay issuing building permits and certificates of occupancy.