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2015 Election Disability Issues Survey
Anthony Giordano
For City Council
1. Would you support a city ordinance to develop an affordable and accessible housing trust fund for people with disabilities?
Yes, I support new legislation. I would bring forward new legislation on City Council to address this problem! I would support funding that comes from any/all other branches of government! If City Council was doing their job there would be “NO” shortage of accessible, affordable and integrated housing in Rochester!
2. Would you be in favor of more City resources being used to keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice in the winter? What would be your plan to ensure accessible sidewalks throughout the winter months?
Yes, I favor increased resources. I would lobby RGRTA for more Para Transportation on all their existing routes! To do a second round of snow plowing in front of driveways and at all sidewalk corners would solve this problem and increase the quality of life for many people! I would bring forward new legislation that requires that city crews to do a second or a third round of snow plowing if it is needed!
3. Do you support a city plan to promote independent living for seniors and people with disabilities and ensure Olmstead compliance within NYS? And if so, what is your plan?
Yes, I support independent living… I would bring forward new legislation to create a blue print, and implement a plan for Olmstead Implementation in our Community! I would bring forward new legislation to bring and keep Rochester in full compliance with the Olmstead Decision! I would bring forward new legislation to give all seniors and disabled people a variance to convert their existing building conditions to accommodate them! This Action Plan will prevent the need for these people to have to move out of their homes and forcing them unnecessarily to move into inhumane institutions!
4. Would you support a city ordinance requiring Visitability legislation that would require all publicly funded newly constructed single family homes to have at least one no-step entrance, a first floor bathroom, and 36 inch clearance passage for all main floor internal doorways?
Yes, I support new Visitability requirement. I would adopt new Visitability requirements legislation for the City of Rochester that will achieve our City’s goal and it will solve this problem in our community! For all new and existing Single Family houses and any other related buildings, I propose to have, One no step entry, one first floor bathroom, and 36 inch wide clearance passage doors for all main floor internal doorways! If City Council was doing their job then Single Family homes would already be covered here in Rochester and accessible regulations, and are currently not!
5. As a member of City Council, what will you do to make sure that the City Department of Neighborhood and Business Development ensures building accessibility?
I would hire an ADA compliance official to facilitate all ADA compliance policies for the Department/City! I would create a fund to facilitate covering all expenses so that City Businesses can become ADA compliant! As a member of City Council, implementing these in the City’s Department of Neighborhood and Business Development would ensure building accessibility!