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The Protect Medicaid campaign has compiled the information below to assist with the review of the New York State Medicaid budget. This information is meant to answer questions related to the Medicaid Redesign II (MRT II) process, the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).
- NYS has not taken any action that would preclude accepting an enhanced federal match for Medicaid. On December 31, 2019, the Department of Health announced 1% across-the-board cuts for certain providers and managed care plans. The cuts went into effect on January 1, 2020. The Department of Health has not taken subsequent action to cut Medicaid. These rate cuts do not prevent NYS from accepting the enhanced federal Medicaid match rate in the FFCRA.
- The enhanced federal match for Medicaid in FFCRA ends at the end of the quarter in which the emergency declaration expires. Enhanced federal matching funds for Medicaid in FFCRA will not end immediately after the emergency declaration is called off. The matching funds will continue to be available until the end of the quarter. For example, if the emergency declaration is called off on July 1, 2020, then the enhanced match will be available until September 30, 2020.
- The MRT II was appointed and began its work in February 2020. While the MRT II was proposed by the Governor in January 2020, its members were not appointed until early February and did not meet until later that month. The MRT II issued its recommendations less than two weeks ago, on March 19.
- The MRT II did not reach unanimous consensus on its recommendations. Three members of the MRT II abstained from voting on the recommendations. The consumer representative abstained and 2 stated he abstained “as a matter of conscious.” The other two members were representatives of the legislature and abstained to maintain their ability to negotiate within the context of the budget process.
- The MRT II has not been approved or endorsed by the legislature. The legislature has not taken any action on the MRT II. The MRT II was called entirely at the discretion of the Governor and the Department of Health. The legislature has not taken any votes with respect to the formation of the MRT II or the MRT II’s recommendations, and the legislature has not issued any statements approving or endorsing the process or its recommendations.
- The MRT II never met with consumer health advocates. None of the organizations issuing this fact sheet nor their members met with the MRT II. The MRT II never even requested a meeting or input on any of its proposals from our consumer health organizations or members.
Campaign for New York Health : Katie Robbins, katie@nyhcampaign.org or 917-657-4663
Child Health Now! : Ben Anderson, banderson@childrensedefense.org or 212-697-0942
Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State : Bryan O’Malley, bryan@cdpaanys.org or 518-813-9537
Health Care for All New York : Amanda Dunker, adunker@cssny.org or 212-254-8900
Medicaid Matters New York: Lara Kassel, lkassel@medicaidmattersny.org or 518-463-1896 x124
New York Association on Independent Living: Meghan Parker, mparker@ilny.org or 518-465-4650 x103
Save NY Public Health: Anthony Feliciano afeliciano@cphsnyc.org or 646-325-5317